Welcome to My College Map

I have coached countless numbers of students one on one and learned exactly what students need to successfully navigate getting into college. Let me be your guide on this journey and help you achieve your goals.

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My College Map

America's #1 College Application Online Training Course
Join other students who have learned the simplest way to get into the college of thier dreams.
"When I met Ryan, I was out of my second year of high school and needed to really question myself to figure out how to get where I wanted to be in life. Ryan was the one who asked me some of those integral questions that allowed me to determine some of my more immediate goals- to feel comfortable taking risks, to become more socially independent, and to be better at working with and for others. It was with Ryan’s advice and constant reassurance in mind that I was able to find the right university for me to really redefine myself. Knowing that I had a mentor like Ryan to rely on made my big decision to move across the country and go to USC seem not so crazy, and today I couldn’t be more sure that I made the right decision, with the help of Ryan."

- Saman H.

"I met Ryan the summer before my senior year of high school. The time I spent with him was incredibly formative for me because he invited me to think about who I wanted to be. Our conversations helped me identify and capitalize on my strengths, especially in how they matched future career paths and colleges. I can't thank him enough for his guidance during such an important part of my life before I started at UC Berkeley." - Zohair M.

"Choosing a college and a career path can be absolutely overwhelming. Being the eldest and first in my family to attend college, I was completely lost on where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do. Ryan helped me make a list of colleges that would be a good fit for my studying habits and personality type. He introduced me to Trinity University and it was added to my list of colleges. After visiting, it was easy to see that this was a great fit for me. Ryan assessed my skills and interests and we were able to discover my passion for religion and history. Although this was not a traditional career choice, Ryan pushed me to see what I was truly interested in and pursue my degrees in Religion and International Studies. Ryan’s ability to fully understand someone and their passions is what makes him a great mentor and he continues to stay involved in helping me pursue my goals for the future at Trinity University in San Antonio. " - Arisha A.

"When senior year rolled around I was so unorganized. I had no idea where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do. Ryan helped me organize my thoughts by dissecting all my options based on what I wanted educationally, financially, and socially. He helped me come up with a progress plan of everything I needed to do each month in order to succeed. I was able to narrow down my original list of 30-40 universities to my top 10. He guided me through this not only by providing information about each school but also identifying my interests and my ideal environment for success. Ryan helped me see all of the opportunities available as well as identifying my support system. Through his guidance, I am now happily thriving at the University of Georgia, Athens.

I would highly recommend Ryan’s services as he personally caters to each student’s needs and desires. He was tremendously helpful and I plan on turning to him and his services again for graduate school applications as well!" - Aliza A.